Articles + Blog
“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Tony Robbins”
Imagine this… It's the beginning of the new year and you are ready to lose those 10 pounds you put on during holidays and maybe this is something you do each new year and...
“It is not in the learning of something new that we discover our true identity, it is the unlearning of what we believe to be true that has us realize the truth of who we already are. In this realization, we access peace and self-empowerment for thriving with and through illness.”
We have all been there. A break-up, a death of a loved one, a loss of a job, a health scare, or being in a job that just sucks the energy out of you. Some people, though, are able to bounce back with what seems like ease while others still have trouble years later. The beauty, however, is that...
Any service listed throughout this website, including energetic bodywork, is not a substitute for appropriate medical/psychiatric care, medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I do not guarantee or warrant results. Furthermore, the information contained throughout this website, program/meditation purchases, or events is only intended to educate, inspire, and entertain you on your personal journey toward health and happiness.